Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Ralph Andersen & Associates is committed to providing candidates the utmost in confidentiality throughout the search process. We respect the privacy of our candidates. Only Ralph Andersen & Associates has access to resumes and related material submitted and residing on this site.

Candidates should be aware that at some point in a public sector search process, public announcement or disclosure may become necessary as governed by State law (i.e. open records law) or an organization’s own internal guidelines. Ralph Andersen & Associates will work directly with candidates to keep them abreast of each situation, particularly in high profile recruitments where the potential for media involvement is anticipated. We will be responsible for the safeguard of information under our control but we cannot guarantee that all parties involved will maintain the appropriate level of confidentiality throughout the search process. By accepting this Privacy Policy, candidates acknowledge that each job search, particularly the selection process, may have an inherit risk of exposure or an unforeseen breach of confidentiality beyond the control of Ralph Andersen & Associates.

Submittal of Confidential Information

Candidates have the ability to submit with these four options:

E-mail to:

U.S. Postal Service or Courier Service to:

5800 Stanford Ranch Road, Suite 410
Rocklin, Califonria 95765

Release of Information to Others

Candidates are assured that Ralph Andersen & Associates will not release or sell information to third parties or unauthorized users. Additionally, we do not allow any form of open access to your resume or other personal information. Only Ralph Andersen & Associates will have access to your information. We will share your information only with the client with whom you have expressed interest.

Authorization for Reference and Background Checks

If you are identified by Ralph Andersen & Associates as a potential candidate to be considered by our client, you will be asked to sign a release form allowing Ralph Andersen & Associates, our agents or our client, to conduct the necessary reference checks, background checks, and verifications (credit check, Department of Motor Vehicle review, civil and criminal litigation, national wants and warrants, education, certification or professional license verification) as needed to supplement your candidate profile. In accordance with applicable federal law related to identity theft, you will be provided with a copy of your credit report. You acknowledge and agree to execute such release forms in order to continue to be considered a qualified candidate in this specific recruitment process. This process will be conducted in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.

Changes to Privacy Statement

This Privacy Policy may be reviewed and modified periodically. Updates will automatically appear on this page. To ensure that you are familiar with any modifications, it is advisable to view the Privacy Policy periodically.

Contact Information

If you have questions, comments or concerns about Ralph Andersen & Associates’ Privacy Policy, please forward that information to

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An Equal Opportunity Employer.